Your desktop wallpaper sets a visual standard for who you are and what you use your desktop for. Why not make it something beautiful?
In this article, we’ll cover six of our favorite sites for downloading the most aesthetically pleasing wallpapers to help make your desktop more visually appealing.
Desktop Nexus
Desktop Nexus is one of the oldest and most extensive databases of wallpapers on the internet. With currently over 1.4 million wallpapers (totaling more than 640 million downloads), there’s something on this site for everyone.
The wallpaper categories featured on Desktop Nexus include animals, anime, cars, entertainment, nature, space, sports, video games, and more.
Desktop Nexus lets you sign up for a free account, which lets you add wallpapers to a favorites list. Each desktop wallpaper includes the wallpaper’s voting statistics, total downloads, uploader information, and more.
Our favorite feature is that the site detects your current resolution and dynamically resizes each wallpaper to fit it best. While this can result in some stretched and distorted images, it works well and is a great timesaver in most cases.
DeviantArt launched in 2000 and quickly became one of the most popular online artwork and photography communities. Its community-driven, interactive nature allowed it to function as one of the web’s earliest social networks, and it follows this same path today.
While DeviantArt isn’t exclusively a wallpaper site, the “wallpaper” search term currently shows over 2.4 million results, which you can narrow down using additional keywords. Unfortunately, there’s no specific wallpaper section on the website.
DeviantArt is special, however, because all the artwork and wallpaper you’ll find is original content. While not all wallpapers are available for free and public use, the vast majority are.
InterfaceLIFT is a unique wallpaper site due to its consistent level of quality. Although InterfaceLIFT features one of the smallest databases on this list (with just over 3,900 wallpapers), all of them are high-resolution and beautiful.
InterfaceLIFT mostly features atmospheric wallpapers that show mountains, canyons, plains, rivers, and other forms of nature. Almost all are shot by a photographer credited in the wallpaper’s description, including camera details and photo settings.
These wallpapers are available in resolutions supported by iPhone, iPad, Android, and every widescreen resolution across one, two, or three monitors.
Reddit features thousands of subreddit communities catering to specific interests and niches. /r/wallpapers and /r/wallpaper are two of the largest subreddits on the platform, with over 1.1 million and 562,000 subscribers, respectively.
The two subreddits aren’t overwhelmingly different, but you will find unique content on each. Most wallpapers posted to these subreddits have post titles prefixed or suffixed with the native resolution size of the wallpaper included.

Reddit’s filtering options allow you to find the hot, new, rising, controversial, and top wallpapers by navigating through each tab at the top of the page. You can also use Reddit’s search to limit searches to these subreddits to find any specific wallpaper you may be interested in. is an infinite scrolling wallpaper directory with randomization, a top list, a latest list, search options, and a forum. The site has a heavy anime influence, even featuring sorting options to show anime characters or real people. It also features SFW and NSFW wallpapers. Other sorting options include resolution, ratio, color, and date added. is our pick for the best wallpaper website for anyone interested in themes such as pop culture, anime, and video games. For such content, you’ll find some of the most aesthetic desktop wallpapers online.
As the name implies, is a wallpaper site that specifically indexes for widescreen monitors. features aesthetic wallpapers in all major aspect ratios and resolutions for wide and ultra-wide, HD and UHD, standard, mobile, and dual and triple monitor setups.
Looking for More Wallpaper?
If you need more places for great wallpaper (and who doesn’t, really), check out some of our other articles:
- 4K Desktop Wallpapers: 6 Sites to Grab Awesome High-Resolution Backgrounds Now
- Minimalist Desktop Wallpaper: Simple Designs for Less Distraction
- The Best Anime Wallpaper Sites For The Desktop
- Windows 11 Wallpapers: Best New Ones and Where to Download More
These six wallpaper sites should give you the variety needed to get just about any aesthetic wallpaper to match the desktop theme you’re after perfectly. If there are any other wallpaper sites you’d like to recommend, please do so in the comments section below!
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