How to Take Screenshots on Nintendo Switch

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If you enjoy an exciting retro game where a high score is worth bragging rights, or a cozy game where getting past that difficult level is a monumental achievement, then you know sharing that accomplishment is a must. You can take screenshots on your Nintendo Switch and then share them easily.

The nice thing about screenshots on the Switch is that you can add text to them before you share. Then, either post them directly on social media or send them to your mobile phone to save for later.

Table of Contents

    To prepare for that special game moment, here’s how to take, edit, and share screenshots on Nintendo Switch.

    Take a Screenshot on Nintendo Switch

    Capturing a screenshot on Nintendo Switch couldn’t be easier. Simply press the Capture button which is the square on the left Joy-Con below the controllers. On Nintendo Switch Lite, the square button is below the +Control Pad on the left.

    Note: Screenshots on Nintendo Switch are limited to gameplay photos and certain menu screens.

    View Screenshots in the Album

    Once you take a screenshot, it is saved to your Album. From there, you can review your momentous shots. Of course, you can add some text and share them as well.

    On the Home screen of your console, tap or use the controls to move to and select the Album icon. This is the icon that looks like an image.

    You’ll then see all of your fantastic moments in one handy spot.

    To find a particular screenshot, you can apply a filter by pressing the Y button. Then filter by type or game.

    Add Text to a Screenshot

    Maybe you’d like to add the date and time to the image, include your name, or just say “I beat your score, dude!” You can insert text right on the screenshot and format it as you like.

    1. Select the image in the Album and press the A button to view it.
    2. Press the A button again to open the Sharing and Editing options on the left.
    3. Move down to Add Text and press A.
    1. Enter the text using the onscreen keyboard. When you finish, press Accept or the plus sign button and then OK.
    2. You can then change the size or color of the text. To move the text box, press Change.
    3. When you’re done, tap Finished.

    You’ll then see your updated image, ready for sharing.

    Share a Nintendo Switch Screenshot

    To share your screenshot on social media, send it to your device, or copy it to a microSD card, press the A button for Sharing and Editing.

    Post on Twitter or Facebook

    If you’ve not yet linked a social media account, you’ll have the option to do so as you follow the steps below.

    1. Select Post to share on Twitter or Facebook.
    2. To share one image, select Only This One. To share more than one, select Post a Batch and then select the additional screenshots.
    3. Choose your Nintendo Switch profile if you have more than one. Then, pick a posting location.
    1. Follow the remaining prompts to share on Twitter or Facebook.

    Send to Your Mobile Phone

    You can send up to 10 screenshots via Wi-Fi from your Nintendo Switch to your Android phone or iPhone.

    1. Select Send to Smartphone to share the screenshot to your device.
    2. Pick Only This One for a single image or Send a Batch for multiple screenshots.
    3. To connect to the Switch, use your phone to scan the QR code on the left.
    1. Tap the Join Network message that displays on your phone. Then, confirm by tapping Join. If you have trouble connecting your Switch to your phone, either select the + Trouble Connecting? option at the bottom of the Send to Smartphone screen or visit Nintendo Support.
    2. Once connected, view the screenshot on your phone by scanning the QR code on the right. Then, tap the IP address that displays.
    1. Your mobile browser will open displaying the screenshot from your Switch. Depending on your device and browser, you can then save the image as you normally would.
    1. Back on your Nintendo Switch, press End to exit the Send to Smartphone screen.

    Copy to a microSD Card

    If you use a microSD card in your Nintendo Switch, you can also transfer screenshots by copying them to the card.

    Select Copy on the left side and confirm by pressing Copy. You should see a message that the image was copied, press OK to close the message and return to the image.

    Delete Nintendo Switch Screenshots

    Once you start taking screenshots on Nintendo Switch, those images can build up over time. If you’re concerned about space or system memory, you can delete those screenshots you no longer want or need.

    To delete a single screenshot, select it to see it in full view. Then, press the X button and select Delete to confirm.

    To delete multiple screenshots, go to the main Album screen and press the X button. Select each screenshot to put a checkmark in the corner. Press Delete and then confirm by pressing Delete once more.

    To delete all screenshots, follow these steps.

    1. Go to the Home menu and select System Settings.
    2. On the left, move to Data Management and on the right, select Manage Screenshots and Videos.
    3. At the top of the next screen, pick System Memory. You’ll see the amount of space consumed by your screenshots and videos on the right.
    1. Then, choose Delete All Screenshots and Videos in System Memory.
    1. Confirm that you want to remove all items by selecting Delete Screenshots and Videos. Keep in mind that these items cannot be recovered once you delete them.

    Whether you want to show your best pal that you outscored him or post on your social media account that you finally reached level 100, it’s easy to take screenshots on Nintendo Switch and share them!

    For more on Nintendo Switch or other consoles, visit the Gaming section on our sister site, Online Tech Tips.