How To Share An Excel File For Easy Collaboration

by Christopher Jan Benitez

Collaboration is important in many work spaces. Since most projects require files to be accessed by a lot of users, collaborative setups have become necessary.

Microsoft Excel is one is just one of the many programs used by companies worldwide. As such, the need for shared workbooks is crucial.

Table of Contents

    In this post, you’ll learn how you and your team can collaborate using Excel 2016 and other versions of Excel online.

    Share Excel Files Offline

    If you have a local area connection, all users in the network can have access to any file. Not only that, any changes made to the file can be tracked. You can also set which users would have access to the file.

    Start by saving the file in a location that can be accessed by everyone in your group. You can then set your file for collaboration.

    Adding Back Shared Workbook Feature

    Office 365 users will find the Shared Workbook feature hidden by default. This is because Microsoft encourages users to share workbooks online.

    Here’s how you enable the feature. If you’re using an older version of Excel, you can skip to the succeeding section – Sharing a Document.

    1. Track Changes (Legacy)
    2. Protect Sharing (Legacy)
    3. Compare and Merge Workbooks

    Sharing a Document

    Those who followed the steps in the Adding Back Shared Workbook Feature section will find the Share Workbook button (along with the other commands you added) in the Quick Access Toolbar instead.

    Protect Your File

    The steps above give everyone access to your file. But it also gives everyone administrative access by default. Protecting your file means access to the file will be limited and tracked.

    Share Excel Files Online

    While working offline is a great solution, you’re hampered by the necessity for a shared local drive. Working online is clearly the better choice. Here’s how you do it.

    Using OneDrive

    Using Google Drive

    Google Drive is probably the easiest way to work on a project simultaneously. Anyone with a Google account can access files and edit as needed.

    This will give you the option to share the spreadsheet by entering an email address or by sharing a link to your colleagues.

    All changes are automatically tracked and saved. You can work on the document together in real-time which is very convenient.

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