Sum a Table Column in Word

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Word allows you to calculate the sum of a column in a table, just like you would in a spreadsheet program like Excel. This post will show you how to do this in Word 2003, 2007, and 2010/2013/2016. As an example, we will total a column of decimal numbers.

Word 2007 thru 2016

Open Word and put the cursor in the blank cell at the bottom of the column that has the numbers you want to sum.

Table of Contents

    Table for summing in Word 2007

    The Table Tools tabs become available. Click the Layout tab.

    Clicking the Layout tab in Word 2007

    Click the Formula button in the Data group.

    Clicking the Formula button in Word 2007

    The correct formula is automatically inserted into the Formula edit box on the Formula dialog box. I selected 0.00 from the Number format drop-down list to format the number the same way the other numbers in the column are formatted. Depending on your data, you can pick a different number format.

    Selecting a Number format on the Formula dialog box in Word 2007

    Click OK to accept the settings.

    Closing the Formula dialog box in Word 2007

    The formula field is inserted into the cell and the total is automatically calculated and displayed. If you change any of the numbers in the Amount column, right-click on the total and select Update Field from the popup menu to update the total. You can also press F9 while a field is selected to update it.

    Updating the sum field in Word 2007

    There is one big caveat when using formulas like this in Word. The data should all be contiguous, meaning there should be no breaks in the data. For example, take a look at the data below. For the month of March, there is no data in the second column.

    So instead of summing everything from Jan to June, it’s only summing the values from April thru June. Now if I put a 0 in the cell and update the field, then it gives me the correct answer I was looking for.

    Obviously, keep this in mind and check your the results to make sure they are correct. These types of problems don’t normally occur in Excel because you have to specify exactly which cells you want to perform the calculations on, but in Word, that’s not the case.

    You may also notice that you don’t see an AutoSum button on the Word Layout tab or any of the other tabs. This feature is available in Word, but it is not on any of the ribbon tabs. To have access to it, you must add it to the Quick Access toolbar. To do this, click the Office button and click the Word Options button. In newer versions of Word, click on File and then Options.

    Opening Word Options in Word 2007

    Select the Customize option from the list on the left side of the Word Options dialog box. Newer versions of Word, you have to select Quick Access Toolbar.

    Clicking the Customize option on the Word Options dialog box

    Select Commands Not in the Ribbon from the Choose commands from drop-down list.

    Selecting Commands Not in the Ribbon

    Scroll down in the list below the Choose commands from drop-down list until you find the Sum command. Select it and click the Add button. This adds the Sum command to the list of commands on the Quick Access Toolbar on the right side of the Word Options dialog box.

    Adding the Sum button to the Quick Access Toolbar

    Click OK on the Word Options dialog box to close it. The Sum command displays as a button on the Quick Access Toolbar. You can click the Sum button when the cursor is in the last cell of the Amount column of the table discussed earlier to total the numbers in the column.

    The Sum button on the Quick Access Toolbar

    Unfortunately, you cannot customize the ribbon tabs in Word  directly. More tips about customizing and using commands from the ribbon bar are discussed in our post, Customize the MS Office Ribbon.

    Word 2003

    Below is an example table we will use to show you how to total a column of numbers in a table in Word 2003. To sum the numbers in the Amount column, put the cursor in the last cell in that column.

    Table for summing in Word 2003

    Select Formula from the Table menu.

    Selecting Formula from the Table menu

    The Formula edit box on the Formula dialog box is automatically filled in with the appropriate formula. We will format the total the same way the numbers are formatted in the Amount column. Select 0.00 from the Number format drop-down list.

    Selecting a Number format on the Formula dialog box

    Click OK to accept your settings.

    Closing the Formula dialog box

    The total is entered into the last cell in the Amount column.

    The sum of the table column in Word 2003


    That’s about it! It’s worth noting that you can insert more complex formulas into the formula box if you like, but Word doesn’t support all of the formulas that are supported by Excel, so don’t be surprised if you try an Excel formula and you get an error. To see a list of all formulas you can use in Word, check out this list from Microsoft by scrolling down to the available functions section. Enjoy!