How to Check Steam Games Storage Use in Windows 11

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Gaming computer featuring the Windows desktop.

With modern video games often requiring tens or even hundreds of gigabytes, installing just a few Steam games on your PC can eat up a significant amount of storage space. However, unlike other programs, you can’t use Windows 11’s Apps management console to gauge the size of your Stream games.

Instead, you’ll need to use other methods to check your Steam games’ storage usage in Windows 11. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to keep track of your Steam games’ storage usage, including how to move and uninstall games.

Table of Contents

    Check Storage Usage via the Steam Client

    The best way to check the sizes of individual Steam games and determine the overall storage of your entire Steam library is through the Steam client for Windows 11. Just:

    1. Launch the Steam client from the Windows system tray.
    Steam icon on the Windows system tray.
    1. Select Steam on the menu bar and choose Settings from the dropdown menu.
    Steam menu with the Settings option highlighted.
    1. In the Steam Settings window, select Storage from the sidebar to begin up a list of all games and their corresponding sizes. Check the box next to each title; you’ll see their cumulative sizes on the bottom of the window.
    Steam Settings's Storage screen featuring individual and cumulative game sizes.

    Tip: You can use the Uninstall and Move options to free up storage on your computer. Skip ahead to the Delete or Move Games in Steam section to learn more.

    Check Individual Game Sizes via Steam

    If you want to view the storage size of a single Steam game quickly, you can check that via the Steam Library. Just:

    1. Select the Library tab at the top of the Steam client.
    Library tab highlighted in Steam.
    1. Right-click a game on the sidebar and choose Properties.
    How to Check Steam Games Storage Usage in Windows 11 image 6
    1. Switch to the Installed Files tab, and you should see the game’s storage size next to Size of installation. Select the Browse button if you’d like to visit the game’s installation directory..
    Size of installation highlighted for a Steam game.

    Tip: You can use the Backup game files option to create a backup of the game, allowing you to restore its files in instances of data loss and corruption. You can also use the Verify integrity of game files option to check the installation for corruption during troubleshooting.

    Check Total Storage via File Explorer

    An alternative approach to checking the storage size of your Steam Library and individual games is through File Explorer for Windows 11. Think of it as a workaround for instances where you have trouble accessing the Steam client. Here’s how:

    1. Open a new File Explorer window.
    File Explorer in Windows Search.
    1. Go to the drive where Steam installs your games. The default directory for Steam games is Local Disk C > Program Files (x86) > Steam > steamapps > common.
    Steam video game installation folder highlighted in File Explorer.
    1. Right-click a game title and select Properties.
    Propreties opiton for a Steam game highlighted in File Explorer.
    1. On the Properties dialog that shows up, check the size of the game next to Size on disk.
    Size on disk highlighted in a Steam game's Properties dialog.
    1. Go back to the steamapps folder, right-click the common sub-folder, and select Properties to view the size of your entire Steam Library.
    Size on disk highlighted in the Steam game installation folder's Properties dialog.

    Delete or Move Games in Steam

    If you’re close to running out of storage on your PC, you can delete games you no longer play or move installations to another drive. Both actions can be easily performed via the Steam client.

    Delete Games in Steam

    The fastest method to delete a game is through the Steam Library. Just:

    1. Right-click the game you wish to delete on the sidebar and select Manage > Uninstall.
    How to Check Steam Games Storage Usage in Windows 11 image 13
    1. A confirmation window will appear—select Uninstall to proceed.
    Uninstall option highlighted in a confirmation pop-up.

    If you’d like to delete multiple Steam games at the same time, you can:

    1. Visit the Storage screen in Steam Settings, mark the games you want to uninstall, and select Uninstall.
    Uninstall button highlighted in the Steam Settings's Storage screen.
    1. Select Uninstall on the confirmation pop-up.
    Uninstall option highlighted in a confirmation pop-up.

    Move Games in Steam

    You can move games to an external storage drive or partition to free up space on your PC’s system volume without deleting them. To do that:

    1. Visit the Storage screen in Steam Settings, select the Storage drop-down, and choose Add Drive.
    Add Drive option highlighted in the Steam Settings's Storage screen.
    1. Pick an external drive or another partition and select Add.
    Add button highlighted in the Add a new Steam library folder pop-up.
    1. Mark the game or games you want to move and select Move.
    Move option highlighted in the Steam Settings's Storage screen.
    1. Pick the target destination and select Move to confirm.
    Move button highlighted in the Move Content pop-up.

    Note: You can still play games after moving them to an external drive, but be aware that loading times may suffer if the drive has slower read speeds. If you notice a decrease in performance, you can always move the games back to the internal drive to improve it. For more information, check our complete guide on moving Steam games from one drive to another.

    Don’t Let Your Steam Library Get Out of Hand

    Taking the time to review and manage your Steam game library’s storage on Windows 11 can help declutter your system drive and prevent it from running out of space. Fortunately, the Steam client makes it super-easy to check the sizes of your video games, uninstall them, and move them to free up storage.