Learning how to work with computers and board level electronics is now something that happens in elementary school. The Raspberry Pi Project can take a lot of credit for that. Raspberry Pi projects are affordable, easy to start and fun! Why not try one of these easy Raspberry Pi projects for beginners of all ages?
Whole Home Ad-Blocker
We don’t normally advise blocking ads. It’s how we pay our bills. Still, making an ad-blocker that works for every device in your home is a great learning project! These RaspberryPi (RasPi) based ad-blockers are known as Pi-holes.
You’ll need:
- A Raspberry Pi with network connection
- Access to your network router
- Raspberry Pi case (optional)
Create a VPN For Your Home
A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a huge step towards security and privacy on the internet. This can be done with WireGuard, an open source, free VPN client. Do this along with the Pi-hole project and you’ve got a more secure home network than you’ve ever had! It’s also an easy Raspberry Pi project to learn about RasPis and VPNs.
You’ll need:
- A Raspberry Pi
- Access to your network router
- Raspberry Pi case (optional)
Parent Detector Motion Sensor Triggered Video Recording
A project from the official RaspberryPi site, the parent detector is meant as a fun build for kids. It could be used for anything though. The idea is that when someone moves in front of the motion sensor, the RasPi will start recording video. Then you can go back and see who’s eating your Halloween candy.

You’ll need:
- A Raspberry Pi
- PIR motion sensor module
- Several female to female jumper wires
- Camera board 360 gooseneck mount for the camera (optional)
- Raspberry Pi case (optional)
Build An Amazon Echo
Believe it or not, you can build your own Amazon Echo. Who doesn’t want a smart speaker that will play your music the way you tell it too? Don’t worry, you don’t need to be a programmer. The programming is pretty much already done for you. Once you’ve got it set up, try doing some home automation with it too. The Alexa Voice service is capable of a lot. It just takes some time to learn it.

You’ll need:
- A Raspberry Pi connected to internet
- Speaker
- USB Microphone
- Raspberry Pi case (optional)
Build a Raspberry Pi Google Assistant
If Amazon isn’t your thing, that’s okay. You can build a RasPi Google Assistant too! Register an account on the Google Console Actions dashboard, follow the project instructions in this easy Raspberry Pi project and it’s time to say, “Ok Google!” to your new AI assistant.

You’ll need:
- A Raspberry Pi connected to internet
- Speaker
- USB Microphone
- Raspberry Pi case (optional)
Ethical Hacker Workstation
Computer security is one of the fastest growing fields today. Companies and even countries are scrambling to get proficient security professionals. Consider learning to be an ethical hacker with a dedicated Kali Linux computer made from a RasPi. You’ll have a powerful and portable hacking station to practice anywhere.

You’ll need:
- Raspberry Pi with WiFi
- 3.5 inch LCD touch screen and case
- Portable keyboard (optional but helpful)
- Raspberry Pi case (optional)
WiFi Library For Anyone
You’ve seen those little free libraries some people put on their front yard. It’s a great way to encourage reading, give back to the community, and just make the world a little more loving. This can also be done wirelessly! Using your RasPi and a bunch of free ebooks, you can set up a free WiFi library that anyone in range can use. They just connect to it like they would a WiFi router.

You’ll need:
- Raspberry Pi Zero with WiFi (can be done with other RasPis too)
- Tiny OTG Adapter
- USB Cable – A to Micro B
- Portable keyboard (optional but helpful)
- Raspberry Pi case (optional)
Build a Raspberry Pi FM Radio Transmitter
Spotify and TuneIn Radio make radio at home almost obsolete. Maybe you just want to hear your own music and share it with the family on a good old FM stereo. Maybe you want to start a school radio station. This 30-minute RasPi FM radio transmitter project will make that happen. Add a decent antenna and you’ll be able to broadcast up to a 50 meter radius.

You’ll need:
- Raspberry Pi with Internet connection
- Microphone
- Raspberry Pi case (optional)
Get Building!
Once you use easy Raspberry Pi projects to get started building things with the different Raspberry Pis available, it’s hard to stop. Kind of like eating real pie. They’re so affordable, easy to use, and yet capable of just about anything. Take the time to learn a programming language like Python and a little bit of electronics and the sky’s the limit.