The 19 Best Windows Powershell Keyboard Shortcuts

by Guy McDowell

We’re fans of anything that makes using or managing computers easier. So naturally, we’re fans of shortcuts. Windows shortcuts and key combos make everything easier. It’s logical then that Microsoft’s PowerShell shortcuts only make PowerShell better.

If you’re not familiar with PowerShell, we’ve got a PowerShell beginner’s guide. It’s great for home users and IT pros alike. There’s more to PowerShell than just the scripting language. These keyboard shortcuts apply to Microsoft’s Windows PowerShell ISE and PowerShell Console.

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    Even though PowerShell is spreading to other operating systems—like macOS version 10.12 and newer and even several Linux distributions— these shortcuts may not work on all operating systems or all versions of PowerShell. But even a few will save you minutes, if not hours, putting together your scripts.

    Best Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows PowerShell ISE

    The PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE) is where you can develop and test PowerShell scripts and apps. All versions of Microsoft’s Windows operating system, whether Windows Server, Pro, or Home, include the PowerShell ISE.

    Since Windows Powershell ISE is an editing environment, most common Microsoft Office shortcuts apply, like Ctrl + C for copy and Ctrl + V for paste. The shortcuts below are particular to the Powershell ISE.

    Best Keyboard Shortcuts for the Windows PowerShell Console

    If you’ve used the Command Prompt (cmd), you’ll find that the Windows PowerShell Console is just a command prompt tailored for using PowerShell scripts and cmdlets at the command line. The console looks a lot like the old command-line console.

    If you’re not crafting automation apps or Windows server management packages, you can use the console to run a few PowerShell commands. However, the PowerShell console has a few more functions and shortcuts. The usual command console shortcuts like the up arrow (^) and down arrow (˅) to recall recent commands also work in the PowerShell console.

    You Have the Power of PowerShell Now

    When Microsoft released PowerShell in 2006, IT professionals were busy using graphical interfaces and batch files to manage things. Now those methods of automation and configuration are being handled with less work and quicker, thanks to PowerShell.

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