How to Delete a Roblox Account

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Roblox is a popular online gaming platform. Users are able to create games or play those created by community members. If you play Roblox but you need a break, or you’re a parent looking to limit your children’s exposure to online platforms, we’ve got the solution for you.

Deleting a Roblox account isn’t as simple as clicking a single button. You’ll have to contact their support or customer service lines to be able to delete it. In this article, we’ll provide a few easy methods to remove your Roblox account once and for all.

Table of Contents

    Why Would You Want to Delete Your Roblox Account?

    There are many reasons you might wish to delete your Roblox account. Perhaps you need a break. Or, you might be concerned about your digital privacy and you’re trying to cut down on your online presence.

    Parents often wish to delete their children’s Roblox account because they worry that it’s having too much of an influence over their lives. Despite relatively decent parental controls and child protection policies, many children are obsessed with the game (and can quite easily bypass the protections using fake accounts).

    Roblox is highly popular with the younger generations, and a very real concern is online predators. If you’re worried about this, take a look at how you can childproof your computer or Android device.

    Sometimes, deleting your Roblox account (or that of your child) is the only way forward! So, here’s how you do it.

    Email Roblox Support

    The simplest way to delete your Roblox account is to send a request email to Roblox support at In your email, request that your account is deleted and include your account name, email, and address. With your identity verified, Roblox will quickly delete an account.

    Alternatively, you could use their support form. Simply provide your username, first name, and email address, then describe your request in the given fields. In a few days, a Roblox representative will contact you to verify your identity and confirm your intention to delete the account.

    If it’s your child’s account, do the same thing and explain the situation, entering your child’s Roblox account details instead. Roblox may ask for additional confirmation to prove your child’s (and your) identity.

    Call Roblox Customer Service

    You can call customer service at 888-858-2569 and request to have your account deleted. The customer service representative will ask for some information to confirm your identity, then your account will be deleted.

    Don’t Play For a Year

    If you’re inactive for an entire year, Roblox will delete your account to free up space on its servers. This can be the best choice if you think that you might change your mind!

    Does Roblox Keep Your Information?

    If you’re concerned about your digital privacy, you should know that you must request that Roblox delete your personal information. When you request to delete your account as above, consider asking them to remove your personal information as well.

    No More Roblox

    It’s important to keep in mind that once your Roblox account is deleted, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to retrieve it again. Instead, you’ll have to create a new profile entirely. Make sure that you’re certain you want to delete your account (or your child’s) before following any of these steps.

    What are you playing instead of Roblox? Let us know in the comments!